Are there other "fun" packages like the "coffee stains" package?
Not a package, but could be packaged pretty easily: beamerduck!
The following presentation will show a progress by having a duck walk from left side of the screen to the right side, saying annoying things every once a while. You can of course replace the duck picture by any other animal (I am thinking about a man carrying a sack on his back. On specific slides, the ones I plan to spend more time on, I want to have him drop the sack to the ground and rest).
% Duck stuff
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.callouts, calc}
% Parameters: file, number of pages, width
\foreach \n in {1,...,#2}{
\DuckSetup{duck}{2}{1cm} % "duck" is a pdf file with 2 pages that will
% alternate as they move from slide to slide.
\tikz[remember picture]{\node (duck) {%
\hspace{\pgfmathresult pt}%
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\uncover#2{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{\node[ellipse callout, draw, fill=white, overlay,
callout absolute pointer={($ (duck.north east) + (1,0) $)}] at ($ (duck.north east) + (3,1)
$) {#1};}}}
\uncover#2{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{\node[ellipse callout, draw, fill=white, overlay,
callout absolute pointer={(duck.north west)}] at ($ (duck.north west) + (-3,1) $) {#1};}}}
% End of duck stuff
\author{Egon Ipse}
\title{The Importance of Being a Duck}
\item Purpose of Ducks
\item Purpose of Duckweed
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}{
\frametitle{Frame \i}
\ifnum \i=5 \ducksez{Five!} \fi
\ifnum \i=9 \ducksezrev{Nine!} \fi
\frametitle{The last frame}
\ducksezrev{See Ya!}
Hope this counts. Cow font anyone :-)
? It's part of TL Contrib.
I like the chickenize
package, which can do a lot of useless things, among others it can print in rainbowcolors. See yourself, works only with Lua(La)TeX.