array how to delete elements code example

Example 1: remove element from array in js

var myArray = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];

//removing element using splice method -- 
//arr.splice(index of the item to be removed, number of elements to be removed)
//Here lets remove Sunday -- index 0 and Monday -- index 1

//using filter method
let itemToBeRemoved = ["Sunday", "Monday"]
var filteredArray = myArray.filter(item => !itemToBeRemoved.includes(item))

Example 2: how to remove an element from an array javascript

let myArray = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 2];
let unwantedElementIndex = 3;

// This line removes 1 element from the array, starting at the unwantedElementIndex
myArray.splice(unwantedElementIndex, 1);

// If you have your custom test to remove an element just go for 
// Higher-Order functions
let myArray = ["[email protected]", "wrong@[email protected]", "..."];
const emailRegexp = ____;
let allCorrectEmails = myArray.filter(element => emailRegexp.test(element));