Array of abstract class

Game[] gamesArray = new Game[10];

Instantiation means creation of an instance of a class. In the above scenario, you've just declared a gamesArray of type Game with the size 10(just the references and nothing else). That's why its not throwing any error.

You'll get the error when you try to do

gamesArray[0] = new Game(); // because abstract class cannot be instantiated

but make an array of the abstract class?

Later on, you can do something like this

gamesArray[0] = new NonAbstractGame(); // where NonAbstractGame extends the Games abstract class.

This is very much allowed and this is why you'll be going in for an abstract class on the first place.

Because when you make an array of some object type, you're not trying to instantiate the objects. All you're making is a number of slots to put references in.

new Game[10]; makes 10 slots for Game references, but it doesn't make a single Game.