Arraylist containing Integers and Strings

List<Object> oList=new ArrayList<Object>();

If it's avoidable, please avoid this list of Object type. Go for individual lists.

If not then you should go for type of Object

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();

which accept all the type Objects, but have to take care while retrieving.

Checking the objects while retrieving

for (Object obj: list) {
    if (obj instanceof String){
        // this  is string 
    } else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
       // this  is Integer 

You can use tagged sum types: Either<A, B> is either Left<A, B> or Right<A, B>. In Java it will look like:

public interface Either<A, B>;
public class Left<A, B> implements Either<A, B> {
  public final A value;
  public Left(A value) {
    this.value = value;
public class Right<A, B> implements Either<A, B> {
  public final B value;
  public Right(B value) {
    this.value = value;

So, you can use ArrayList<Either<Integer, String>>.

for (Either<Integer, String> either : intsOrStrings) {
  if (either instanceof Left) {
    Integer i = ((Left<Integer, String>) either).value;
  } else if (either instanceof Right) {
    String s = ((Right<Integer, String>) either).value;

This approach is more type-safe than using Object.

You can do this as follows but have to give up on generics for the list container.

List<List> listOfMixedTypes = new ArrayList<List>();

ArrayList<String> listOfStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<Integer> listOfIntegers = new ArrayList<Integer>();


But, a better way would be to use a Map to keep track of the two lists since the compiler would no longer be able to prevent you from mixing types like putting a String into an Integer list.

Map<String, List> mapOfLists = new HashMap<String, List>();

mapOfLists.put("strings", listOfStrings);
mapOfLists.put("integers", listOfIntegers);

mapOfLists.get("integers").add(new Integer(10));