ASP.Net MVC how to determine if a user can access a URL?
I ported and hacked this code from the MvcSitemap:
public static class SecurityTrimmingExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a specific controller action exists and
/// the user has the ability to access it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="htmlHelper"></param>
/// <param name="actionName"></param>
/// <param name="controllerName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool HasActionPermission( this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string actionName, string controllerName )
//if the controller name is empty the ASP.NET convention is:
//"we are linking to a different controller
ControllerBase controllerToLinkTo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerName)
? htmlHelper.ViewContext.Controller
: GetControllerByName(htmlHelper, controllerName);
var controllerContext = new ControllerContext(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext, controllerToLinkTo);
var controllerDescriptor = new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(controllerToLinkTo.GetType());
var actionDescriptor = controllerDescriptor.FindAction(controllerContext, actionName);
return ActionIsAuthorized(controllerContext, actionDescriptor);
private static bool ActionIsAuthorized(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
if (actionDescriptor == null)
return false; // action does not exist so say yes - should we authorise this?!
AuthorizationContext authContext = new AuthorizationContext(controllerContext);
// run each auth filter until on fails
// performance could be improved by some caching
foreach (IAuthorizationFilter authFilter in actionDescriptor.GetFilters().AuthorizationFilters)
if (authContext.Result != null)
return false;
return true;
private static ControllerBase GetControllerByName(HtmlHelper helper, string controllerName)
// Instantiate the controller and call Execute
IControllerFactory factory = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory();
IController controller = factory.CreateController(helper.ViewContext.RequestContext, controllerName);
if (controller == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Controller factory {0} controller {1} returned null",
return (ControllerBase)controller;
It could use some caching but for my case that was a premature optimization.
What is the problem you are trying to solve? It sounds like you may be headed down a path to a complex solution that could use a simple solution instead.
If a user doesn't have permissions to access the page after login, are you wanting non-logged in users to go to one page, while logged in users go to a different page?
If that's the case I might be tempted to create another controller for just such scenarios and redirect to that controller anywhere the user doesn't have access. Or if you are using your own base Controller I would put the functionality there.
Then the controller could present the desired view. For example if a non-logged in user tries to access a page they could get redirected to a generic error page. If the user is logged in, they could get redirected to a not authorized page.
This is very similar to Robert's answer.
Here's a basic skeleton for a base controller.
public BaseController: Controller
... // Some code
public ActionResult DisplayErrorPage()
// Assumes you have a User object with a IsLoggedIn property
if (User.IsLoggedIn())
return View("NotAuthorized");
// Redirect user to login page
return RedirectToAction("Logon", "Account");
Then in lets say a AdminController (that inherits from BaseController) action
public ActionResult HighlyRestrictedAction()
// Assumes there is a User object with a HasAccess property
if (User.HasAccess("HighlyRestrictedAction") == false)
return DisplayErrorPage();
// At this point the user is logged in and has permissions
John Farrell (jfar)'s answer (SecurityTrimmingExtensions class) updated for MVC 4:
public static class SecurityCheck
public static bool ActionIsAuthorized(string actionName, string controllerName)
IControllerFactory factory = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory();
ControllerBase controller = factory.CreateController(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext, controllerName) as ControllerBase;
var controllerContext = new ControllerContext(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext, controller);
var controllerDescriptor = new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(controller.GetType());
var actionDescriptor = controllerDescriptor.FindAction(controllerContext, actionName);
AuthorizationContext authContext = new AuthorizationContext(controllerContext, actionDescriptor);
foreach (var authAttribute in actionDescriptor.GetFilterAttributes(true).Where(a => a is AuthorizeAttribute).Select(a => a as AuthorizeAttribute))
if (authContext.Result != null)
return false;
return true;