assembly language programming code example

Example 1: learn assembly language

dude.. i strongly felt the need to understand 
assembly while reading OS source code

Example 2: assembly language

An assembly language is a low-level programming language 
designed for a specific type of processor.

; hello-DOS.asm - single-segment, 16-bit "hello world" program
; assemble with "nasm -f bin -o hello-DOS.asm"

    org  0x100        ; .com files always start 256 bytes into the segment

    ; int 21h is going to want...

    mov  dx, msg      ; the address of or message in dx
    mov  ah, 9        ; ah=9 - "print string" sub-function
    int  0x21         ; call dos services

    mov  ah, 0x4c     ; "terminate program" sub-function
    int  0x21         ; call dos services

    msg  db 'Hello, World!', 0x0d, 0x0a, '$'   ; $-terminated message


Misc Example