asterisk : Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)

It's probably because asterisk is not running on your server.

Try to run it with this command :

asterisk -vvvvvvc

You'll enter into the Asterisk CLI and if something goes wrong you'll see it. After that you can quit the CLI by entering the exit command. Then you can reconnect to the CLI by typing asterisk -r. All this commands assumed you're the root user. If you are not root prefix them by sudo, by example sudo asterisk -vvvvvvc.

Hope it helps, regards, Duc.

There are two common reasons why this occurs:

  1. Asterisk is not running.
  2. You are trying to run asterisk -r as a non-root user.

If Asterisk isn't running, try to start it: asterisk -vvvc. If you are logged in as a non-root user, then log in as the root user, or just: sudo asterisk -r.

This command should work if the others did not solve the problem:

sudo asterisk -&

