Async and document ready

defer would definitely help here.

defer is generally better than async because it:

  • loads asynchronously (just like async)
  • guarantees the execution order (unlike async)
  • executes at the end (unlike async that executes in parallel when the page is still loading and it actually halts the dom-parsing!)
  • jquery ready fires after the "deferred" scripts have been loaded (this is what you're asking)

This SO answer has a very nice picture illustrating defer/async load order, super-understandable.

If you didn't want to use a script loader, you could use the following approach which would allow you to leave your $(document).ready scripts in place - modified as follows:


    function checkAllDownloads() {
        // Ensure your namespace exists.
        window.mynamespace = window.mynamespace || {};

        // Have each of your scripts setup a variable in your namespace when the download has completed.
        // That way you can set async on all your scripts except jquery.
        // Use the document ready event - this code - to check if all your scripts have downloaded.
        if (window.mynamespace.script1 && window.mynamespace.script2){

          // Proceed with page initialisation now that all scripts have been downloaded.
          // [ Add your page initialisation code here ].
        // Not all downloads have completed.
        // Schedule another check to give the async downloads time to complete.
        setTimeout(checkAllDownloads, 500);

    // check if it is safe to initialise the page by checking if all downloads have completed.


After some extensive research, I can definitely say that putting scripts at the end of the page is THE best practice.

Yahoo agrees with me :

Google don't talk about this practice and seems to prefer async scripts :

IMHO, putting script at the end of the page has several benefits over async/defer:

  • It will work for all browser (yes, even IE ;) )
  • You guarantee the execution order
  • You do not need to use $(document).ready or $(window).load
  • Your scripts can execute before your images are loaded
  • As async/defer, your page will be displayed quicker
  • When the DOM trigger the ready event, all scripts are loaded
  • Can be optimized by merging all js in one file without problem (by a tool like mod_pagespeed)

The only drawback that I can see is that the browser won't be able to parallelize the downloads. One good reason to use async/defer instead is when you have a script that is completly independant ( do not need to rely on the execution order) and that don't need to be executed at a specific timing. Example : google analytics.


