Atlassian / BitBucket Sourcetree SSH Public Key Denied

Well - I've found the solution after much trial and error. Apparently, using PUTTY's keygen and storing the new public key in my .ssh folder doesn't work. However, using ssh-keygen IN GIT BASH and then trying to login using the new generated key pair, works just fine. Out of curiosity though more than anything - I would love to know why this is the case.

To whom may have the same issue on Mac with new Sierra. Solution would be to add private key to SSH agent via:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa

It looks like that identity[id_rsa] doesn't persist by SSH agent.

Note this is not a permanent solution .. You would need to do that each time you clone a new repository.At least then no need to provide private key for each push to remote.

-------- Update 28.Sep.2017 --------

Permanent solution ( On Sierra):


1- Be sure that you have a running ssh-agent in background before doing anything.

To check if ssh-agent is running by:

pgrep 'ssh-agent'

That command returns PID (ProcessID) of that process if it's running. If you see a value.. Go to Step#2. if not, so you need to run that agent in background by:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

2- Edit ~/.ssh/config (Create if it doesn't exist as su ):

Host *
 AddKeysToAgent yes
 UseKeychain yes
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

3- Then add that key agent ( that would be once ):

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa

That's it.

Actually Step#2 is the crucial one. I just want to provide a complete guide.

I hope that may help you.'.

I needed to further modify these settings SourceTree:enter image description here



