Atom editor r-language error - Failed to load snippets

This is caused by a bug in the snippets provided by the language-r package. Since the package has been deprecated by its author, there won't be updates fixing this.

The easiest option is to install atom-language-r instead.

Alternatively, you can edit the snippet to fix that typo. It should look like this:

'Cummulative min':
  'prefix': 'cumi'
  'body': 'cummin(${1:x})'
'Cummulative max':
  'prefix': 'cuma'
  'body': 'cummax(${1:x})'

Note: I have changed the first "Cumulative max" to "Cumulative min".

Apart from changing "Cumulative max" to "Cumulative min", you also might need to remove the first 'Grep' along with its prefix and body since there are 2 'Grep' present



Atom Editor