auto create html basic structure

Make sure your file has .html added on the end of its name.

Then go back into Atom, type HTML, and press enter. Your boilerplate should appear. Solved my problem instantly!

If you have disabled the autocomplete functionality mentioned in the currently accepted answer, or want more flexibility than that allows, there is a file-templates package:

Here are some basic instructions.

  • To install the package: edit->preferences->install->file-templates.
  • To save the template: packages->new template from this file.
  • To open a new file with that template, just hit ctrl-alt-n and select it.

There is a nice Plugin, called emmet:

When you got that, you just have to type ! -> tab in an empty document. You get pretty much the same result as @hatchet GIF.

You're looking for autocomplete-snippets.

Simply type html and press Enter

Here's a terrible GIF to prove it:

enter image description here


Atom Editor