Authoritative position of duplicate HTTP GET query keys

There is no spec on this. You may do what you like.

Typical approaches include: first-given, last-given, array-of-all, string-join-with-comma-of-all.

Suppose the raw request is:

GET /blog/posts?tag=ruby&tag=rails HTTP/1.1

Then there are various options for what request.query['tag'] should yield, depending on the language or the framework:

request.query['tag'] => 'ruby'
request.query['tag'] => 'rails'
request.query['tag'] => ['ruby', 'rails']
request.query['tag'] => 'ruby,rails'

I can confirm that for PHP (at least in version 4.4.4 and newer) it works like this:

GET /blog/posts?tag=ruby&tag=rails HTTP/1.1

results in:

request.query['tag'] => 'rails'


GET /blog/posts?tag[]=ruby&tag[]=rails HTTP/1.1

results in:

request.query['tag'] => ['ruby', 'rails']

This behavior is the same for GET and POST data.

The situation seems to have changed since this question was asked and the accepted answer was written 12 years ago. I believe we now have an authoritative source: The WHATWG URL Standard describes the process of extracting and parsing a query string in detail in section 6.2 ( and section 5.1 on x-www-form-urlencoded parsing ( The parsing output is "an initially empty list of name-value tuples where both name and value hold a string", where a list is defined as a finite ordered sequence, and the key-value pairs are added to this list in the order they appear in the URL. At first there is no mention of repeated keys, but some methods on the URLSearchParams class in section 6.2 ( set clear expectations on ordering: "The getAll(name) method steps are to return the values of all name-value pairs whose name is name... in list order"; The sort() method specifies that "The relative order between name-value pairs with equal names must be preserved." (Emphasis mine). Examining the Github issue referenced in the commit where the sort method was added, we see that the original proposal was to sort on values where keys were identical, but this was changed: "The reason for the default sort not affecting the value order is that ordering of the values can be significant. We should not assume that it's ok to move the order of the values around." (

yfeldblum's answer is perfect.

Just a note about a fifth behavior I noticed recently: on Windows Phone, opening an application with an uri with a duplicate query key will result in NavigationFailed with:

System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key had already been added.

The culprit is System.Windows.Navigation.UriParsingHelper.InternalUriParseQueryStringToDictionary(Uri uri, Boolean decodeResults).

So the system won't even let you handle it the way you want, it will forbid it. You are left with the only solution to choose your own format (CSV, JSON, XML, ...) and uri-escape-it.


