Auto testing for Microsoft Bot Framework

One alternative is doing functional tests using DirectLine. The caveat is that the bot needs to be hosted but it's powerfull. Check out the AzureBot tests project to see how this works.

Another alternative, is doing what the BotFramework team is doing for some of their unit tests.

If you are using Dialogs, you can take a look to the EchoBot unit tests as they are simple to follow.

If you are using Chain, then take a look to how their are using the AssertScriptAsync method.



If you are looking for a way to mock up Luis Service, see this.

You may want to consider Selenium. Selenium is web browser automation software allowing you to write tests that programmatically read and write to the DOM of a web page. With a Selenium script you can:

  • login on any channel that provides a web client (and most of them do: WebChat, Telegram, Skype, Facebook, for example)
  • start a conversation with your bot
  • perform operations such as post a message to the chat and wait for a reply
  • test whether the reply is what you expected.