Autofac attribute injection failing on attributes

Your property of type IDataAccessProvider has to be public for injection to work. You can still mark DebugLogAttribute, IDataAccessProvider and it's implementation as internal if you prefer.

public class HOmeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

internal class DebugLogAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public IDataAccessProvider DataAccess { get; set; }

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

    public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)

internal interface IDataAccessProvider {}

internal class DataAccessProvider:IDataAccessProvider {}

I've been having the same issue in asp dotnet core but the current solution (making it public) doesn't seem to work. What I find odd is that the comment below is regarding a web-api but I'm using a normal ASP.NET Core MVC (MVC6). So if anyone has the same problem, try out the solution below.

Unlike the filter provider in MVC, the one in Web API does not allow you to specify that the filter instances should not be cached. This means that all filter attributes in Web API are effectively singleton instances that exist for the entire lifetime of the application.

public override async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(
            ActionExecutingContext context,
            ActionExecutionDelegate next)
            MyService = context.HttpContext.
                               RequestServices.GetService(typeof(IMyService)) as IMyService;