Automatically add fractions and reduce the result (if neccessary)

2020-04-14: Updated to properly output case when denominator is 1.

Using How to create a random math problem in LaTeX?, the link Cramdir pointed out, we can adapt two of the solutions there to do this. One uses Euclid's algorithm, and one uses tkz-fct.

In order to be able to package both of these solutions into a macro we need to use pgfmathtruncatemacro to ensure we are working with integers as \pgfmathsetmacro is always a decimal value. Both these produce identical results.

enter image description here

Here is the MWE using Euclid's algorithm:


% Use Euclid's Algorithm to find the greatest 
% common divisor of two integers.
\def\gcd#1#2{{% #1 = a, #2 = b
    \ifnum#2=0 \edef\next{#1}\else
        \@tempcnta=#1 \@tempcntb=#2 \divide\@tempcnta by\@tempcntb
        \multiply\@tempcnta by\@tempcntb  % q*b
        \advance\@tempcntb by-\@tempcnta % remainder in \@tempcntb
            \ifnum\@tempcnta < 0 \@tempcnta=-\@tempcnta\fi
   \gcd{#1}{#2}{\@tempcnta=#1 \divide\@tempcnta by\thegcd
   \@tempcntb=#2 \divide\@tempcntb by\thegcd


\newcommand{\addfraction}[4]{% 1N, 1D, 2N, 2D
    \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,int detect,precision=2}
    \[ \frac{#1}{#2} + \frac{#3}{#4} 
        = \frac{\pgfmathprintnumber{\newnumerator}}{\pgfmathprintnumber{\newdenominator}} 
        = \fracReduced{\newnumeratorTrunc}{\newdenominatorTrunc} 


And here is the one using tikz-fct



\newcommand{\addfraction}[4]{% 1N, 1D, 2N, 2D
    \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,int detect,precision=2}
    \[ \frac{#1}{#2} + \frac{#3}{#4} 
        = \frac{\pgfmathprintnumber{\newnumerator}}{\pgfmathprintnumber{\newdenominator}} 
        = \fracReducedTkz{\newnumeratorTrunc}{\newdenominatorTrunc} 


The addfraction commands are identical, except the last line calls a different macro in the two examples.

Here's a LuaTeX solution for fun, in case anyone is interested. This solutions deals with negative cases and division by zero, although it need to be enclosed by $...$. Further tuning can be done with \ifmmode, though.

%!TEX program = lualatex
function gcd(a,b)
    if b ~= 0 then
        return gcd(b, a % b)
        return math.abs(a)
function sgn(a)
    if a == 0 then 
        return 0
        return a/math.abs(a)
function fractionadd(a,b,c,d)
    local first = a*d + b*c
    local second = b*d
    frac = first/second
    local abs = math.abs
    local afirst = abs(first)
    local asecond = abs(second)
    if second == 0 then
        return [[\text{Impossible to divide by zero}]]
    elseif gcd(afirst,asecond) == asecond then
        return math.floor(sgn(frac)*afirst/(gcd(afirst,asecond)))
        return [[\frac{]]..math.floor(sgn(frac)*(afirst/gcd(afirst,asecond)))..[[}{]]..math.floor(asecond/gcd(afirst,asecond))..[[}]]

enter image description here