Wordpress - Automatically determine minimum WordPress version required for a plugin?

I found a solution as an automated service over at http://wpseek.com/pluginfilecheck/

It's does exactly, what was asked for including the generation of list of used functions and giving a suggestion for the Plugin-Header comments.

Update: This is no longer accurate. See carstenbach's answer.

Well, it seems like the answer is "No, there's isn't an existing solution for this."

If anyone wanted to write one, these might be helpful:

  • The general process described in the question
  • http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/deprecation-checker/
  • http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/log-deprecated-notices/
  • http://adambrown.info/p/wp_hooks/hook
  • http://planetozh.com/projects/wordpress-functions-history/table_light.html

I think Mark's comment about building the feature into the WordPress.org repository is a really good idea, but it may be something that the community has to create first in order to prove that it's useful, before the core team would consider adding it.

Well, this is more of a starting point, but there is this nice list of WP functions and the versions they were added/removed here. Unfortunately, it only goes up to WP 3.0.1, but if you're shooting for 3.0 as a baseline it will at least help - if it's not in the list, it was added later. You might want to email Ozh and ask him to update the list, and if one of us gets the gumption someone can make a plugin to check (like a reverse deprecation checker).

ETA: Per @mrwweb - Adam Brown's Hook List! Current to 3.3 and goes waaaaay back to 1.2.1, which no one in their right mind would be running anymore (release date Oct. 6, 2004).