Automatically positioning node shape on "to path" in Tikz (for outlined, transparent arrows)
This implements rotation (had to use rotate
, not shape border rotate
, don't know why) and sets the position correctly (by removing pos=0.5
and adding anchor=tip
). I used inner sep
to set the width of the arrow, because text width
/minimum width
didn't work (don't know why).
fat arrow/.style={draw,red,
every to/.style={
to path={
let \p1 = ($(\tikztotarget)-(\tikztostart)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)},
\n2 = {mod(scalar(atan2(\y1,\x1))+360, 360)} % calculate angle in range [0,360)
-- (\tikztotarget)
node[draw, blue,
inner xsep=0pt,inner ysep=5pt, % use inner ysep to set width
minimum height=\n1-\pgflinewidth,
single arrow,
rotate=\n2, % not shape border rotate, because that for some reason didn't work
anchor=tip, % anchor=tip added, pos=0.5 removed
#1 % options passed to fat arrow style are added here
{} \tikztonodes}
fat arrow/.default= % set empty default for argument to fat arrow
\fill[yellow] (-.2,.5) rectangle (2.2,1.5);
\path (0,2) node[draw] (A) {A}
(1,0) node[draw] (B) {B}
(2,2) node[draw] (C) {C}
(2,0) node[draw] (D) {D}
\path[fat arrow] (A.south east) to (B.north west);
\path[fat arrow] (C.south) to (D.north);
Assuming you only use this between nodes, Kpym's suggestion in the comment below can be used to figure out the start/end anchors of the arrow. With the code below,
\path[fat arrow] (A) to (B);
\path[fat arrow] (C) to (D);
fat arrow/.style={draw,red,
every to/.style={
to path={
let \p1 = ($(\tikztotarget)-(\tikztostart)$),
\n1 = {int(mod(scalar(atan2(\y1,\x1))+360, 360))}, % calculate angle in range [0,360)
\p2 = ($(\tikztotarget.\n1+180)-(\tikztostart.\n1)$),
\n2 = {veclen(\x2,\y2)}
-- (\tikztotarget)
node[draw, blue,
inner xsep=0pt,inner ysep=5pt, % use inner ysep to set width
minimum height=\n2-\pgflinewidth,
single arrow,
rotate=\n1, % not shape border rotate, because that for some reason didn't work
anchor=tip, % anchor=tip added, pos=0.5 removed
#1 % arguments passed to fat arrow added here
at (\tikztotarget.\n1+180)
{} \tikztonodes}
fat arrow/.default= % empty default for argument of fat arrow
\fill[yellow] (-.2,.5) rectangle (2.2,1.5);
\path (0,2) node[draw] (A) {A}
(1,0) node[draw] (B) {B}
(2,2) node[draw] (C) {C}
(2,0) node[draw] (D) {D}
\path[fat arrow] (A) to (B);
\path[fat arrow] (C) to (D);
Following marmot's suggestion, I added the possibility of passing options to the arrow node, with an (optional) argument to fat arrow
. I did this for both code blocks above. So for example, with
\path[fat arrow={densely dotted,thick,red}] (C) to (D);
you get
UPDATE: Completely switching gears and drawing the arrow as a decoration. (I also made the answer a bit more concise, I hope.)
\usetikzlibrary{decorations,decorations.text} % decorations.text just 4 fun
outlined arrow width/.store in=\OutlinedArrowWidth,
outlined arrow width=10pt,
outlined arrow step/.store in=\OutlinedArrowStep,
outlined arrow step=1pt,
outlined arrow length/.store in=\OutlinedArrowLength,
outlined arrow length=5pt,
\pgfdeclaredecoration{outlined arrow}{initial}
{% initial arrow butt
\state{initial}[width=\OutlinedArrowStep,next state=cont] {
\ifdim\pgfdecoratedremainingdistance>\OutlinedArrowLength% continue the outlined path
\ifnum\marmotarrowstart=0% draw the arrow head
{ % perhaps unnecessary but doesn't hurt either
\begin{tikzpicture}[decoration=outlined arrow,font=\sffamily]
\path (0,0) node[draw] (A) {A}
(0,4) node[draw] (B) {B}
(4,0) node[draw] (C) {C}
(4,4) node[draw] (D) {D}
\fill[green] (-1,0.5) rectangle (2.5,1.5);
\draw(A.north west) -- (D.south east);
\draw[decorate,blue,opacity=0.5] (C) to (D);
\draw[decorate,red,opacity=0.5,line width=2pt,outlined arrow length=10pt] (A) to (B);
\draw[decorate,outlined arrow length=15pt] (A.east) to[out=0,in=-180] (D.west);
\fill[decoration={text along path, text={~here is some text inside an arrow},
(A.east) to[out=0,in=-180] (D.west);
This works for straight arrows and for curved arrows.
POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS: One may use the open arrow heads from the arrows.meta
library and bending
ORIGINAL ANSWER: There are already excellent posts on drawing outlined (or, more generally, two-colored) arrows, so you could just use them here. Then you can use opacity in the usual way.
my fat arrow/.style args={width #1 line width #2}{
-{Triangle[length=#1,width={3*#1}]},line width=#1,, % outer arrow
line width={#1-2*#2},shorten <=#2,shorten >=#2,opacity=1}, % second arrow
\path (0,0) node[draw] (A) {A}
(0,2) node[draw] (B) {B}
(2,0) node[draw] (C) {C}
(2,2) node[draw] (D) {D}
\draw[my fat arrow=width 3mm line width 1pt,blue,opacity=0.5] (C) to (D);
\draw[my fat arrow=width 3mm line width 0.9pt,red,opacity=0.5] (A) to (B);