Automatically Start Services in Docker Container
EDIT: I've learned a lot about Docker since originally posting this answer. "Starting services automatically in Docker containers" is not a good usage pattern for Docker. Instead, use something like fleet, Kubernetes, or even Monit/SystemD/Upstart/Init.d/Cron to automatically start services that execute inside Docker containers.
If you are starting the container with the command /bin/bash
, then you can accomplish this in the manner outlined here:
So, if you are starting the container with docker run -i -t IMAGE /bin/bash
and if you want to automatically start apache2 when the container is started, edit /etc/bash.bashrc
in the container and add /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -f /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
(or whatever your apache2 start command is) to a newline at the end of the file.
Save the changes to your image and restart it with docker run -i -t IMAGE /bin/bash
and you will find apache2 running when you attach.
I guess you can't. What you can do is create an image using a Dockerfile and define a CMD in that, which will be executed when the container starts. See the builder documentation for the basics ( and see Run a service automatically in a docker container for information on keeping your service running.
You don't need to automate this using a Dockerfile. You could also create the image via a manual commit as you do, and run it command line. Then, you supply the command it should run (which is exactly what the Dockerfile CMD actually does). You can also override the Dockerfiles CMD in this way: only the latest CMD will be executed, which is the command line command if you start the container using one. The basic docker run -i -t base /bin/bash
command from the documentation is an example. If your command becomes too long you could create a convenience script of course.
An option that you could use would to be use a process manager such as Supervisord to run multiple processes. Someone accomplished this with sshd and mongodb: