autosize textarea in angular2

Update (15.04.2018) Managed to package it, now its available as

npm install ngx-autosize

Old answer:

I had the same problem today and got it fixed! Please check my fork:

Until PR is merged try:

npm install --save

And then in your code, because it's slightly different, you just import module not directive...

so instead of:

import {Autosize} from 'angular2-autosize';

  declarations: [

you should have:

import {AutosizeModule} from 'angular2-autosize';

  imports: [

The requested behaviour is already implemented in angular material as documented here: Angular Material Input Autosize. This is especially useful if you are using angular material anyways.

Just use cdkTextareaAutosize as in the example:

<textarea cdkTextareaAutosize></textarea>