Autowiring fails: Not an managed Type

If anyone is strugling with the same problem I solved it by adding @EntityScan in my main class. Just add your model package to the basePackages property.

You should extend the scope of the component-scan e.g. <context:component-scan base-package="at.naviclean" /> since you placed the entities in package at.naviclean.domain;

This should help you to get rid the exeption: Not an managed type: class at.naviclean.domain.Kassa

For further debugging you could try to dump the application context (see javadoc) to explore which classes have been detected by the component-scan if some are still no recognized check their annotation (@Service, @Component etc.)


You also need to add the classes to your persistence.xml


I got an very helpful advice from Oliver Gierke:

The last exception you get actually indicates a problem with your JPA setup. "Not a managed bean" means not a type the JPA provider is aware of. If you're setting up a Spring based JPA application I'd recommend to configure the "packagesToScan" property on the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactory you have configured to the package that contains your JPA entities. Alternatively you can list all your entity classes in persistence.xml, but that's usually more cumbersome.

The former error you got (NoClassDefFound) indicates the class mentioned is not available on the projects classpath. So you might wanna check the inter module dependencies you have. As the two relevant classes seem to be located in the same module it might also just be an issue with an incomplete deployment to Tomcat (WTP is kind of bitchy sometimes). I'd definitely recommend to run a test for verification (as you already did). As this seems to lead you to a different exception, I guess it's really some Eclipse glitch
