Awk delete line that contains data
It should be enough to say
$ awk '$3 != 7'
Note that this a numerical comparison, and will omit lines in which the third field is, for example, "0.7e1", but it will work for the sample data you provide.
delete a line containing 7
awk '!/7/' yourFile
The other answers work. Here's why
Awk's standard processing model is to read a line of input, optionally match that line, and if matched (optionally) print the input. The other solutions use a negation match, so lines are printed unless the match is made.
Your code sample doesn't use a negation match: it says "if something is true, do it". Because you want to delete the input, when you match that target, you can just skip printing it.
if($3 == 7){
#skip printing this line