awk high precision arithmetic

$ echo 0.4970436865354813 | awk -v CONVFMT=%.17g '{gsub($1, $1*1.1)}; {print}'

Or rather here:

$ echo 0.4970436865354813 | awk '{printf "%.17g\n", $1*1.1}'

is probably the best you can achieve. Use bc instead for arbitrary precision.

$ echo '0.4970436865354813 * 1.1' | bc -l

For higher precision with (GNU) awk (with bignum compiled in) use:

$ echo '0.4970436865354813' | awk -M -v PREC=100 '{printf("%.18f\n", $1)}'

The PREC=100 means 100 bits instead of the default 53 bits.
If that awk is not available, use bc

$ echo '0.4970436865354813*1.1' | bc -l

Or you will need to learn to live with the inherent imprecision of floats.

In your original lines there are several issues:

  • A factor of 1.1 is 10% increase, not 1% (should be a 1.01 multiplier). I'll use 10%.
  • The conversion format from a string to a (floating) number is given by CONVFMT. Its default value is %.6g. That limits the values to 6 decimal digits (after the dot). That is applied to the result of the gsub change of $1.

    $ a='0.4970436865354813'
    $ echo "$a" | awk '{printf("%.16f\n", $1*1.1)}'
    $ echo "$a" | awk '{gsub($1, $1*1.1)}; {printf("%.16f\n", $1)}'
  • The printf format g removes trailing zeros:

    $ echo "$a" | awk '{gsub($1, $1*1.1)}; {printf("%.16g\n", $1)}'
    $ echo "$a" | awk '{gsub($1, $1*1.1)}; {printf("%.17g\n", $1)}'

    Both issues could be solved with:

    $ echo "$a" | awk '{printf("%.17g\n", $1*1.1)}'


    $ echo "$a" | awk -v CONVFMT=%.30g '{gsub($1, $1*1.1)}; {printf("%.17f\n", $1)}'

But don't get the idea that this means higher precision. The internal number representation is still a float in double size. That means 53 bits of precision and with that you could only be sure of 15 correct decimal digits, even if many times up to 17 digits look correct. That's a mirage.

$ echo "$a" | awk -v CONVFMT=%.30g '{gsub($1, $1*1.1}; {printf("%.30f\n", $1)}'

The correct value is:

$ echo "scale=18; 0.4970436865354813 * 1.1" | bc

Which could be also calculated with (GNU) awk if the bignum library has been compiled in:

$ echo "$a" | awk -M -v PREC=100 -v CONVFMT=%.30g '{printf("%.30f\n", $1)}'