Aws Athena - Create external table skipping first row

Just tried the "skip.header.line.count"="1" and seems to be working fine now.

On the AWS Console you can specify it as Serde parameters key-value keypair

skip header in athena table

While if you apply your infrastructure as code with terraform you can use ser_de_info parameter - "skip.header.line.count" = 1. Example bellow

resource "aws_glue_catalog_table" "banana_datalake_table" {
  name          = "mapping"
  database_name = "banana_datalake"
  table_type    = "EXTERNAL_TABLE"
    owner = "owner"
    storage_descriptor {
        location        = "s3://banana_bucket/"
        input_format    = "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat"
        output_format   = ""
        compressed  = "false"
        number_of_buckets = -1    
        ser_de_info {
            name    = "SerDeCsv"
            serialization_library = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe"
            parameters {
                "field.delim" = ","
                "skip.header.line.count" = 1    # Skip file headers
        columns {
            name    = "column_1"
            type    = "string"
        columns {
            name    = "column_2"
            type    = "string"
        columns {
            name    = "column_3"
            type    = "string"