AWS - import JSON file to load Dynamo table

You don't need to use the API. You could use the AWS-CLI instead, i.e:

aws dynamodb put-item --table-name MusicCollection --item file://item.json --return-consumed-capacity TOTAL

but you may need to tweak your JSON format a bit.

More examples and documentation here:

I used boto3 in python to load the data

import boto3
import json

sample_table = dynamodbclient.Table('ec2metadata')

with open('/samplepath/spotec2interruptionevent.json', 'r') as myfile:

# parse file
obj = json.loads(data)

#instance_id and cluster_id is the Key in dynamodb table 

                                  'instance_id': instanceId,
                                  'cluster_id': clusterId,


Here is a sample for javascript:

The answer from E.J. Brennan looks correct, for a single record, but it doesn't answer the original question (which needs to add an array of records).

For this, the command is

aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://aws-requests.json

But, you'll need to make a modified JSON file, like so (note the DynamoDB JSON that specifies data types):

    "YourTableName": [
            "PutRequest": {
                "Item": { 
                    "Column1": { "S": "Column1 Value" },
                    "Column2": { "S": "Column2 Value" },
                    "Column3": { "S": "Column3 Value" },
                    "Column4": { "S": "Column4 Value" },
            "PutRequest": {
                "Item": { 
                    "Column1": { "S": "Column1 Value" },
                    "Column2": { "S": "Column2 Value" },
                    "Column3": { "S": "Column3 Value" },
                    "Column4": { "S": "Column4 Value" },