AWS Lambda RDS connection timeout

I want to thank everyone who helped, the problem turned out to be different than I thought. The callback in the code doesn't work for some reason even though it's in AMAZON'S OWN DEFAULT SAMPLE.

The working code looks like this:

'use strict';
console.log("Loading getContacts function");

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var mysql = require('mysql');

exports.handler = (event, context) => {

   var connection = mysql.createConnection({
        host     : '...',
        user     : '...',
        password : '...',
        port     : 3306,
        database: 'ebdb',
        debug    :  false

    connection.connect(function(err) {
      if (err);
      else context.succeed('Success');


While using context will work, you just need to add context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false; to the handler and then use callback as normal like this:

exports.handler = (event, context) => {
  context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false; 
  var connection = mysql.createConnection({
    //connection info
  connection.connect(function(err) {
    if (err) callback(err); 
    else callback(null, 'Success');

The answer is here in the docs (took me a few hours to find this):

In the section "Comparing the Context and Callback Methods" it has an "Important" note that explains things.

At the bottom of the note it reads:

Therefore, if you want the same behavior as the context methods, you must set the context object property, callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop, to false.

Basically, callback continues to the end of the event loop as opposed to context which ends the event loop. So setting callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop makes callback work like context.