Azure WebJob not running as per schedule

You need to make sure you have Always On enabled in your App, which requires it to run in Basic or higher mode.

See for details.

Faced the similar issue.With reference to the below link

Azure team states that Azure WebJob CRON uses NCronTab with six parameters (five and seven parameters are not accepted).

If you look at NCronTab Docs, you will notice that they use 5 parameters. Azure team explains that they also pass “Seconds” parameter which is not used by default by NCronTab.

Cron format below

{second} {minute} {hour} {day} {month} {day of the week}

To run the webjobs every day at 9.30 am will be

{"schedule":"0 30 9 * * *"}

And also check the time scheduled in the azure webjobs and your local time.