Backup AWS Dynamodb to S3

AWS Data Pipeline is costly and the complexity of managing a templated process cannot compare to a simplicity of a CLI command you can make changes to and run on a schedule (using cron, Teamcity or your CI tool of choice)

Amazon promotes Data Pipeline as they make a profit on it. I'd say that it only really makes sense if you have a very large database (>3GB), as the performance improvement will justify it.

For small and medium databases (1GB or less) I'd recommend you use one of the many tools available, all three below can handle backup and restore processes from the command line:

  • dynamo-backup-to-s3 ==> Streaming restore to S3, using NodeJS/npm
  • SEEK-Jobs dynamotools ==> Streaming restore to S3, using Golang
  • dynamodump ==> Local backup/restore using python, upload/download S3 using aws s3 cp

Bear in mind that due to bandwidth/latency issues these will always perform better from an EC2 instance than your local network.

There are some good guides for working with MapReduce and DynamoDB. I followed this one the other day and got data exporting to S3 going reasonably painlessly. I think your best bet would be to create a hive script that performs the backup task, save it in an S3 bucket, then use the AWS API for your language to pragmatically spin up a new EMR job flow, complete the backup. You could set this as a cron job.

Example of a hive script exporting data from Dynamo to S3:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_table_dynamodb (
    company_id string
    ,id string
    ,name string
    ,city string
    ,state string
    ,postal_code string)
 STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler'
 TBLPROPERTIES (""="my_table","dynamodb.column.mapping" = "id:id,name:name,city:city,state:state,postal_code:postal_code");

    ,id string
    ,name string
    ,city string
    ,state string
    ,postal_code string)
 LOCATION 's3://yourBucket/backup_path/dynamo/my_table';

 SELECT * from my_table_dynamodb;

Here is an example of a PHP script that will spin up a new EMR job flow:

$emr = new AmazonEMR();

$response = $emr->run_job_flow(
            'My Test Job',
                "TerminationProtected" => "false",
                "HadoopVersion" => "0.20.205",
                "Ec2KeyName" => "my-key",
                "KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps" => "false",
                "InstanceGroups" => array(
                        "Name" => "Master Instance Group",
                        "Market" => "ON_DEMAND",
                        "InstanceType" => "m1.small",
                        "InstanceCount" => 1,
                        "InstanceRole" => "MASTER",
                        "Name" => "Core Instance Group",
                        "Market" => "ON_DEMAND",
                        "InstanceType" => "m1.small",
                        "InstanceCount" => 1,
                        "InstanceRole" => "CORE",
                "Name" => "My Test Job",
                "AmiVersion" => "latest",
                "Steps" => array(
                        "HadoopJarStep" => array(
                            "Args" => array(
                            "Jar" => "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar",
                        "Name" => "Setup Hive",
                        "ActionOnFailure" => "TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW",
                        "HadoopJarStep" => array(
                            "Args" => array(
                            "Jar" => "s3://us-east-1.elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar",
                        "Name" => "Run Hive Script",
                        "ActionOnFailure" => "CANCEL_AND_WAIT",
                "LogUri" => "s3n://myBucket/logs",


With the introduction of DynamoDB Streams and Lambda - you should be able to take backups and incremental backups of your DynamoDB data.

You can associate your DynamoDB Stream with a Lambda Function to automatically trigger code for every data update (Ie: data to another store like S3)

A lambda function you can use to tie up with DynamoDb for incremental backups:

I've provided a detailed explanation how you can use DynamoDB Streams, Lambda and S3 versioned buckets to create incremental backups for your data in DynamoDb on my blog:


As of Dec 2017, DynamoDB has released On Demand Backups/Restores. This allows you to take backups and store them natively in DynamoDB. They can be restored to a new table. A detailed walk through is provided here, including code to schedule them:


With introduction of AWS Data Pipeline, with a ready made template for dynamodb to S3 backup, the easiest way is to schedule a back up in the Data Pipeline [link],

In case you have special needs (data transformation, very fine grain control ...) consider the answer by @greg