bash show file size in mb code example
Example 1: list file size as mb
ls -l --block-size=M
Example 2: display file size in mb in linux
prashad@ubuntu:~/working_dir/opencv$ ls -lh CMakeLists.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 prashad prashad 65M Sep 29 01:05 CMakeLists.txt
To display the file sizes in units like 7K, 5M, 8.2G, etc… use the -lh option with ls.
"ls -lh"
Example 3: ls human readable size
du -sh directory_name #Gives you the summarized(-s) size of the directory in human readable(-h) format
du -bsh * #Gives you the apparent(-b) summarized(-s) size of all the files and directories in the current directory in human readable(-h) format