basic authentication code example

Example 1: what is authentication

Authentication is the process of recognizing a user’s identity. 
 It is the mechanism of associating an incoming request 
 with a set of identifying credentials. 
 credentials provided are compared to those on a file 
 in a database of the authorized user’s information 
 on a local operating system 
 or within an authentication server.

Example 2: basic authorization

Authorization :
It's a process of granting or denying access to resources.
Mostly it happens after Authentatication.

Most of the projects I worked on use Bearer token
with JWT in Authorizaiton header.
I have endpoint that I can use to generate this token
and pass it to the each requests in my test.

Different ways to making authorized request:
1- Basic Auth
       (providing username and password along with each request)
2- Api Keys
       (It is provided token by the api vendor and
        it could be as query parameter or header
3- Bearer Token
       (We can get it by requesting to certain endpoint)
       Most known jwt(json web token)
4- Auth2
      (A much more secure way of authorizing your request
      The flow is similar to Login with facabook,google
       Eventually the token still get added to the 
       Authorization header)


Misc Example