def in python 3 code example

Example 1: functions in python

# Functions

""" All the functions are followed by the 'def' keyword in python"""

def Greet(User): # The arguments inside the brackets should be called or the function gives you an error
  print("Hello" + User + "!")
# Calling the function


# Output: 'Hello Shivram !'

Example 2: function in python 3

#use the def keyword to declare a function in Python
def function(args,kwargs='attribute'):
    #here is the returned value
    return 'return value'

Example 3: function in python 3

# A basic function
def func():
  return 0

# A function with arguments
def func2(num1):
	return num1

# A function with type hints
def func3(num2: int) -> int:
	return num2