basic pyodbc bulk insert
Here's a function that can do the bulk insert into SQL Server database.
import pyodbc
import contextlib
def bulk_insert(table_name, file_path):
string = "BULK INSERT {} FROM '{}' (WITH FORMAT = 'CSV');"
with contextlib.closing(pyodbc.connect("MYCONN")) as conn:
with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
cursor.execute(string.format(table_name, file_path))
This definitely works.
UPDATE: I've noticed at the comments, as well as coding regularly, that pyodbc is better supported than pypyodbc.
NEW UPDATE: remove conn.close() since the with statement handles that automatically.
The best way to handle this is to use the pyodbc function executemany
result = ds1Cursor.fetchall()
ds2Cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO [TableName] (Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', result)