vba value to scientific notation code example

Example: visual basic excel remove scientific notation

' NOTE: this function is for Microsoft Excel only (language: VBA)

'>> RemoveScientificNotation([rCellsToFormat])
' Changes numbers in the CellsToFormat from scientific notation to whole numbers
' Note: if there are letters in the range, those cells are ignored
' rCellsToFormat(Range):   The cells containing the numbers you want to format
Sub z_RemoveScientificNotation(rCellsToFormat As Range)

    Dim sFunct As String: sFunct = "z_RemoveScientificNotation"
    Debug.Print Format(DateTime.Now, "hh:mm:ss") & _
        " INFO " & sFunct & "| " & _
    ' VALIDATIONS and declarations
    Dim wbInit As Workbook: Set wbInit = ActiveWorkbook
    Dim wsInit As Worksheet: Set wsInit = ActiveSheet
    Dim rCurCell As Range
    Dim sNonNumerics As String
    Dim iNonNumCnt As Integer: iNonNumCnt = 0
    Dim sErrMsg As String
    On Error GoTo ErrHandling
    'A) Ensures the cells are set
    If (rCellsToFormat Is Nothing) Then
        Set rCellsToFormat = Selection
    End If
    '               WORK
    '1) Convert the cells to whole numbers (loop through each cell)
    '   a)  Confirms that the cell is numeric
    '   b)  Changes the format of that cell
    'Z) Reactivate the initial workbook/worksheet
    For Each rCurCell In rCellsToFormat
        If (IsNumeric(rCurCell.Value)) Then
            rCurCell.NumberFormat = "0"
            iNonNumCnt = iNonNumCnt + 1
            sNonNumerics = sNonNumerics & rCurCell.Address & "," & vbNewLine
        End If
    If iNonNumCnt > 0 Then
        sNonNumerics = Left(sNonNumerics, Len(sNonNumerics) - 3)
        MsgBox _
            Title:="Non-Numeric Cells Detected" _
            , Prompt:=sNonNumerics _
            , Buttons:=vbExclamation
    End If
    Debug.Print Format(DateTime.Now, "hh:mm:ss") & _
        " INFO " & sFunct & "| " & _
        "Successfully Completed"
    Exit Sub
    '-----------v-----------DEBUG INFO-----------v-----------
        Debug.Print Format(DateTime.Now, "hh:mm:ss") & _
            " INFO " & sFunct & "| " & _
            " -> Failed"
        MsgBox _
            Title:="Errors in the function: " & sFunct, _
            Prompt:=Err.Description _
            & vbNewLine & sErrMsg, _
End Sub