visual basic excel move column header label code example

Example: visual basic excel move column header label

'>> MoveColumnWithHeader(sHeaderName,sColAsLetter)
' Cuts the column according to the cell-value and moves it to the column specified
' sHeaderName(String):   The header/label of the column to be moved
' sColAsLetter(String):   The letter of the column where you want the column to be
Sub MoveColumnWithHeader(sHeaderName As String, sColAsLetter As String)

    Dim sFunct As String: sFunct = "MoveColumnWithHeader"

    Dim bDebugging As Boolean: bDebugging = True
    If (bDebugging = True) Then
        Debug.Print Format(DateTime.Now, "hh:mm:ss") & " INFO " & sFunct & "| " _
        & "Running.. [sHeaderName:" & sHeaderName & "][sColAsLetter:" & sColAsLetter & "]"
    End If
    ' VALIDATIONS and declarations
    Dim wbInit As Workbook: Set wbInit = ActiveWorkbook
    Dim wsInit As Worksheet: Set wsInit = ActiveSheet
    Dim s_rInit As String: s_rInit = Selection.Address
    Dim sErrMsg As String

    Dim rSrcCell As Range
    Dim rSrcCol As Range
    Dim rDestCol As Range
    Dim bCheckCase As Boolean
    Dim iInsertShift As Integer
    'On Error GoTo ErrHandling
    '(SETTINGS/SETUP) - Part A
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    bCaseIsNB = False
    iInsertShift = xlShiftToLeft
    Set rSrcCell = wsInit.UsedRange.Find _
        (sHeaderName, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=bCaseIsNB)
    'A) Ensure there is only one letter in sColAsLetter
    'B) Ensure that there is actually text containing sHeaderName
    If (Len(sColAsLetter) <> 1) Then
       sErrMsg = sErrMsg & vbNewLine _
           & "sColAsLetter of """ & sColAsLetter & """ is not valid. It can only have one letter"
       Err.Raise -1
    End If
    If (rSrcCell Is Nothing) Then
       sErrMsg = sErrMsg & vbNewLine _
           & "No text found containing the text of """ & sHeaderName & """"
       Err.Raise -1
    End If
    '(SETTINGS/SETUP) - Part B
    Set rDestCol = Range(sColAsLetter & "1").EntireColumn
    Set rSrcCol = rSrcCell.EntireColumn
    If (bDebugging = True) Then
        Debug.Print Format(DateTime.Now, "hh:mm:ss") & " INFO " & sFunct & "| " _
        & "Source cell with """ & sHeaderName & """ found " _
        & "at cell [" & rSrcCol.Address & "]"
    End If

    '               WORK
    '1) Ensure that the destination and source columns aren't the same columns
    '2) Cut the column of the header file
    '3) Paste the cut column into its destination
    'Z) Reactivate the initial workbook/worksheet
    If (rSrcCol.EntireColumn.Address = rDestCol.Address) Then

        GoTo Sub_Complete

    End If
    rDestCol.Insert Shift:=iInsertShift

    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    '-----------v-----------DEBUG INFO-----------v-----------
    If (bDebugging = True) Then
        Debug.Print Format(DateTime.Now, "hh:mm:ss") & " INFO " & sFunct & "| " _
        & "Complete [if not debugging, make bDebugging = false]"
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Exit Sub

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Debug.Print Format(DateTime.Now, "hh:mm:ss") & " INFO " & sFunct & "| " _
        & " -> Failed"
    MsgBox _
        Title:="Errors in the function: " & sFunct _
        , Prompt:=Err.Description _
        & vbNewLine & sErrMsg _
        , Buttons:=vbCritical
End Sub