Batch script to merge files without Hex char 1A at the end

The placing of /a and /b switches is critical. They perform differently depending on whether they are placed after the source filename(s) or the target filename.

When used with a target filename, /a causes the end-of-file marker (ASCII 26) to be added. You are actually specifying this!

When used with the source filename,

/a specifies the file is ASCII and it's copied up to but not including the first ASCII 26 end-of-file mark. That character and anything after it is ignored.

/b causes the entire file to be copied, including any end-of-file markers and anything after them.

When used with the destination filename,

/a causes ASCII 26 to be added as the last character.

/b does not add ASCII 26 as the last character.

Your solution

...although I haven't tested it, is probably to use

COPY a.txt+b.txt /a c.txt /b /y

If /a precedes or follows a list of files on the command line, it applies to all files listed until copy encounters /b. In this case, /b applies to the file preceding /b.

The effect of /a depends on its position in the command-line string: - If /a follows source, the copy command treats the file as an ASCII file and copies data that precedes the first end-of-file character (CTRL+Z). - If /a follows destination, the copy command adds an end-of-file character (CTRL+Z) as the last character of the file.

If /b directs the command interpreter to read the number of bytes specified by the file size in the directory. /b is the default value for copy, unless copy combines files.

If /b precedes or follows a list of files on the command line, it applies to all listed files until copy encounters /a. In this case, /a applies to the file preceding /a.

This is a very long winded way of saying the following: The default when combining files is /a. This means that the /a option is redundant in your code snippet, and would have applied regardless of where the /a was placed.

The solution is to use /b, this instructs it to ignore the #1A [DOS end of file] character when reading, and to not output it on writing.

Unlike the /a, the position of the /b is important if a source file includes the #1A character. If the /b is at the end of the command, the file will be truncated up to the #1A (but will not include the #1A).

Any of the following will correct this behaviour:

COPY a.txt+b.txt c.txt /y /b
COPY a.txt+b.txt /b c.txt /y
COPY /b a.txt+b.txt c.txt /y

But only the following will work in cases where the DOS end of file is not used to denote the end of a file:

COPY a.txt /b + b.txt c.txt /y
COPY /b a.txt + b.txt c.txt /y

Note: To confuse things further, adding /b after a source file will apply /b to every source file after it until there is a /a.

In normal operation, this behaviour may seem at best bizarre. As DOS file systems have always recorded the file size, an End of File character should be redundant.

This was done for two reasons:

Backward compatibility with CP/M. The CP/M file system only recorded the lengths of files in multiples of 128-byte "records", so by convention a Control-Z character was used to mark the end of meaningful data if it ended in the middle of a record. The MS-DOS filesystem has always recorded the exact byte-length of files, so this was never necessary on MS-DOS.

It allows programs to use the same code to read input from both a terminal and a text file.

The upshot of this is that this allows one to take input from a device (e.g. a COM port), or output to a device while still being able to distinguish different files.

You can substitute a device name for one or more occurrences of source or destination.

You could change the switch /a (ASCII-Text) to /b (binary)
Look also at copy /?

so the resulting command is

COPY a.txt+b.txt c.txt /y /b

Change from copy to type

type a.txt>c.txt
type b.txt>>c.txt


Batch File