Beamer and pseudocode

The floating object algorithm doesn't behave well with beamer (which onviously disables floating objects). To prevent problems you can 1) use the H placement specifier for algorithm, or 2) drop the algorithm environment and use the \captionof command from the caption package if a caption is needed. The following example shows the first approach:




\FOR{$i=1$ to $N$}
\FOR{$j=1$ to $JJJJ$}
\STATE $energy[i*JJJ+j] =$ 
$ interpolate(AAA[i*JJJ+j], ZZZ)$
\caption{pseudocode for the calculation of }


  • Load the required packages (for example algorithmic and algorithm2e or algorithm)
  • Use the float package with H option for the floating algorithm environment option to get a fixed position
  • Use the fragile option for the frame if you get strange errors, it can fix problems with verbatim text and listings

Compilable example:

\FOR{$i=1$ to $N$}
\FOR{$j=1$ to $JJJJ$}
\STATE $energy[i*JJJ+j] =$ \\
$ interpolate(AAA[i*JJJ+j], ZZZ)$
\caption{pseudocode for the calculation of }

algorithm example