Beamer - diagrams of boxed text

You are right, with tikz is more simple to drawn your relations:

enter image description here


\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, shadows}

\frametitle{Title here}
    node distance = 11mm and 44mm,
block/.style = {rectangle, rounded corners, fill=gray!30,
                text width=0.24\linewidth, align=left,
                drop shadow},
   LA/.style = {-Straight Barb, semithick,              % LA: left arrow
                shorten >=3mm, shorten <=3mm},
  LRA/.style = {Straight Barb-Straight Barb, semithick, % LRA: left right arrow
                shorten >=3mm, shorten <=3mm}
\node (n1) [block]              {Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$};
\node (n2) [block,right=of n1]  {Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$};
\node (n3) [block,below=of n1]  {Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$};
\node (n4) [block,right=of n3]  {Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$};
\draw[LA]   (n1) -- node[above] {long text here} (n2);
\draw[LRA]  (n3) -- node[above] {long text here} (n4);

Why a tikz approach?


\begin{frame}{Title here}
    Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$
$\underrightarrow{\makebox[3cm][r]{long text here}\hspace{3em}}$
    Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$
    Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$
$\underleftrightarrow{\makebox[3cm][r]{long text here}\hspace{3em}}$
    Some text with math formulae e.g. $\alpha=f$

Just for completeness in case you do not want to re-invent the beamer blocks with TikZ, and readjust them every time you change their appearance. You can just add the arrows as overlays.

\tikzset{Connect/.style={ultra thick,>=latex,shorten >=0.5cm,shorten <=1cm}}
\newcommand{\tikznode}[2]{\tikz[remember picture,baseline=(#1.base),inner
     sep=0pt]{\node(#1)[inner sep=0pt]{#2};}}

\begin{frame}{Title here}

\tikznode{1a}{\strut}Some text with math formulae e.g.\ $\alpha=f$\tikznode{1b}{\strut}

Some text with math formulae e.g.\ $\alpha=f$


\tikznode{3a}{\strut}Some text with math formulae e.g.\ $\alpha=f$\tikznode{3b}{\strut}


\tikznode{4a}{\strut}Some text with math formulae e.g.\ $\alpha=f$\tikznode{4b}{\strut}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[Connect,->] ($(1a-|1b)!0.5!(1b)$) -- ($(3a)!0.5!(3a|-3b)$)
node[pos=0.55,above]{some text here};
\draw[Connect,<->] ($(2a-|2b)!0.5!(2b)$) -- ($(4a)!0.5!(4a|-4b)$)
node[pos=0.55,above]{some other text here};

enter image description here

I also added an overlayarea just in case you want to work with pause. This prevents the slide from jumping.