beamer presentation examples

Example 1: themes in beamer latex

%List of themes:
AnnArbor, Antibes, Bergen, Berkeley, Berlin, Boadilla, boxes,
CambridgeUS, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, default, Dresden, Frankfurt,
Goettingen, Hannover, Ilmenau, JuanLesPins, Luebeck, Madrid, Malmoe

%List of colors:
albatross, beaver, beetle, crane, default, dolphin, dove, fly, lily,
orchid, rose, seagull, seahorse, sidebartab, structure, whale, wolverine

Example 2: latex beamer presentation how to begin


%%%%%%% Initialize the title of the presentation
\title{My Presentation}
\subtitle{Using Beamer}
\author{Joe Bloggs}
\institute{University of ShareLaTeX}




\section{Random section}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

\section{Another random section}
Other content like the frame before


Misc Example