Because the RNE Input component is built on top of the React Native TextInput component, you will need to consult both the RNE Input documentation and the RN TextInput documentation for information about using the above props. code example

Example 1: react native textinput

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { TextInput } from 'react-native';

export default function UselessTextInput() {
  const [textInputValue, setTextInputValue] = React.useState('');

  return (
    	height: 40, 
    	borderColor: 'gray', 
    	borderWidth: 1,
    	placeholderTextColor: 'gray',
      onChangeText={text => setTextInputValue(text)}
	  placeholder="Insert your text!"

Example 2: text input phone number react native

npm i react-native-phone-input --save