Best file format for scalable vector graphics on the web?
Logo Designs are better kept to just a few formats: PDF, SVG, AI, EPS, & DXF. (True Vector Formats - Scalable/lossless) A true vector image can be scaled to no end, with no pixels or distortion.
And, if you use a bitmap format, be sure to stick to PNG files. PNG support transparency and are lossless bitmaps, but are still a raster image, so they will show some degree of quality loss when scaled, accordingly. So, PNG are great for some web uses, but not something I'd recommend for print.
I recommend .png format for web display, but print designs/versions should be in true vector format.
Well, the right answer is: "it depends", SVGs are more difficult to draw by the browsers and to be displayed correctly there are some factors involved, on the other hand PNGs are more easy to display, specially in mobile platforms, for example iOS devices are optimized to draw PNG images.
On the other hand, svgs have the advantage that they can be scaled as much as you like, and they are lightweight to be transmitted over the network.
You may create SVG images with Inkscape or adobe illustrator.
Since SVG stands for "scalable vector graphics", that's probably your best choice ;) PNG is a pixel format, so it won't scale as nicely as you zoom in or out.
A common library for doing SVG images is Processing.js, check it out and see if it does what you want it to do!