Best practice for parameter naming in Java constructors and simple setters

Option two is most common. In Java it's considered poor practice to use meaningless name prefixes or suffixes to distinguish instance variables from parameters from local variables. But there are no conventions for the names themselves. Use whatever names make the code easiest to understand.

I've also seen the Option 2 as the most common one:

int importance;

public int getImportance()
    return importance;

public void setFoo(int importance)
    this.importance = importance;

IDEs such as Eclipse and Netbeans will automatically write the getters and setters in the above format.

There are a few merits to using this method:

Does not use the underscore (_) character in the field name -- underscores are not recommended for non-constant field names.

The use of the underscore character in an identifier is not recommended except for identifiers for constants.

The Variables page of The Java Tutorials mentions the following about underscores:

If your variable stores a constant value, such as static final int NUM_GEARS = 6, the convention changes slightly, capitalizing every letter and separating subsequent words with the underscore character. By convention, the underscore character is never used elsewhere.

(Emphasis added.)

Since field names are not constants, according to what is written on that page, one should not use underscores in non-constant fields.

IDEs can automatically add Javadoc comments according to the name of the parameter of the method, so having the name of the field in the parameter list would be beneficial.

The following is an example of an automatically generated Javadoc:

 * @param importance  <-- Parameter name in Javadoc matches
 *                        the parameter name in the code.
public void setImportance(int importance)
    this.importance = importance;

Having the Javadoc reflect the name of the field has another benefit -- IDEs that have code completion can use the field name in the Javadoc in order to automatically fill out parameter names:

// Code completion gives the following:

Giving meaning to the field name and parameter name will make it easier to understand what the parameter actually represents.

Those are some of the merits I can come up with at the moment, and I believe that it is most likely the most common way to naming parameters in Java.


