Best practices for in-app database migration for Sqlite

Let me share some migration code with FMDB and MBProgressHUD.

Here's how you read and write the schema version number (this is presumably part of a model class, in my case it's a singleton class called Database):

- (int)databaseSchemaVersion {
    FMResultSet *resultSet = [[self database] executeQuery:@"PRAGMA user_version"];
    int version = 0;
    if ([resultSet next]) {
        version = [resultSet intForColumnIndex:0];
    return version;

- (void)setDatabaseSchemaVersion:(int)version {
    // FMDB cannot execute this query because FMDB tries to use prepared statements
    sqlite3_exec([self database].sqliteHandle, [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"PRAGMA user_version = %d", DatabaseSchemaVersionLatest] UTF8String], NULL, NULL, NULL);

Here's [self database] method that lazily opens the database:

- (FMDatabase *)database {
    if (!_databaseOpen) {
        _databaseOpen = YES;

        NSString *documentsDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];
        NSString *databaseName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"userdata.sqlite"];

        _database = [[FMDatabase alloc] initWithPath:[documentsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:databaseName]];
        _database.logsErrors = YES;

            _database = nil;
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Database schema version is %d", [self databaseSchemaVersion]);
    return _database;

And here are migration methods called from the view controller:

- (BOOL)databaseNeedsMigration {
    return [self databaseSchemaVersion] < databaseSchemaVersionLatest;

- (void)migrateDatabase {
    int version = [self databaseSchemaVersion];
    if (version >= databaseSchemaVersionLatest)

    NSLog(@"Migrating database schema from version %d to version %d", version, databaseSchemaVersionLatest);

    // ...the actual migration code...
    if (version < 1) {
        [[self database] executeUpdate:@"CREATE TABLE foo (...)"];

    [self setDatabaseSchemaVersion:DatabaseSchemaVersionLatest];
    NSLog(@"Database schema version after migration is %d", [self databaseSchemaVersion]);

And here's the root view controller code that invokes the migration, using MBProgressHUD to display a progress bezel:

- (void)viewDidAppear {
    [super viewDidAppear];
    if ([[Database sharedDatabase] userDatabaseNeedsMigration]) {
        MBProgressHUD *hud = [[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithView:self.view.window];
        [self.view.window addSubview:hud];
        hud.removeFromSuperViewOnHide = YES;
        hud.graceTime = 0.2;
        hud.minShowTime = 0.5;
        hud.labelText = @"Upgrading data";
        hud.taskInProgress = YES;
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginIgnoringInteractionEvents];

        [hud showAnimated:YES whileExecutingBlock:^{
            [[Database sharedDatabase] migrateUserDatabase];
        } onQueue:dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0) completionBlock:^{
            [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endIgnoringInteractionEvents];

The answer from Just Curious is dead-on (you got my point!), and it's what we use to track the version of the database schema that is currently in the app.

To run through the migrations that need to occur to get user_version matching the app's expected schema version, we use a switch statement. Here's a cut-up example of what this look like in our app Strip:

- (void) migrateToSchemaFromVersion:(NSInteger)fromVersion toVersion:(NSInteger)toVersion { 
    // allow migrations to fall thru switch cases to do a complete run
    // start with current version + 1
    [self beginTransaction];
    switch (fromVersion + 1) {
        case 3:
            // change pin type to mode 'pin' for keyboard handling changes
            // removing types from previous schema
            sqlite3_exec(db, "DELETE FROM types;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
            NSLog(@"installing current types");
            [self loadInitialData];
        case 4:
            //adds support for recent view tracking
            sqlite3_exec(db, "ALTER TABLE entries ADD COLUMN touched_at TEXT;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
        case 5:
                sqlite3_exec(db, "ALTER TABLE categories ADD COLUMN image TEXT;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
                sqlite3_exec(db, "ALTER TABLE categories ADD COLUMN entry_count INTEGER;", NULL, NULL, NULL);
                sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS categories_id_idx ON categories(id);", NULL, NULL, NULL);
                sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS categories_name_id ON categories(name);", NULL, NULL, NULL);
                sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS entries_id_idx ON entries(id);", NULL, NULL, NULL);

               // etc...

    [self setSchemaVersion];
    [self endTransaction];

I maintain an application that periodically needs to update a sqlite database and migrate old databases to the new schema and here's what I do:

For tracking the database version, I use the built in user-version variable that sqlite provides (sqlite does nothing with this variable, you are free to use it however you please). It starts at 0, and you can get/set this variable with the following sqlite statements:

> PRAGMA user_version;  
> PRAGMA user_version = 1;

When the app starts, I check the current user-version, apply any changes that are needed to bring the schema up to date, and then update the user-version. I wrap the updates in a transaction so that if anything goes wrong, the changes aren't committed.

For making schema changes, sqlite supports "ALTER TABLE" syntax for certain operations (renaming the table or adding a column). This is an easy way to update existing tables in-place. See the documentation here: For deleting columns or other changes that aren't supported by the "ALTER TABLE" syntax, I create a new table, migrate date into it, drop the old table, and rename the new table to the original name.


