Best structure for inventory database
I'd have a table with a row per item per day - store the date, the item ID, the quantity sold, and the price sold at (store this even though it's also in the product table - if that changes, you want the value you actually sold at preserved). You can compute totals per item-day and totals per day in queries.
create table product (
id integer primary key,
name varchar(100) not null,
price decimal(6,2) not null,
inventory integer not null
create table sale (
saledate date not null,
product_id integer not null references product,
quantity integer not null,
price decimal(6,2) not null,
primary key (saledate, product_id)
Reporting on a day:
select s.product_id,, s.quantity, s.price, (s.quantity * s.price) as total
from product p, sale s
where = s.product_id
and s.saledate = date '2010-12-5';
Reporting on all days:
select saledate, sum(quantity * price) as total
from sale
group by saledate
order by saledate;
A nice master report over all days, with a summary line:
select *
from (
(select s.saledate, s.product_id,, s.quantity, s.price, (s.quantity * s.price) as total
from product p, sale s
where = s.product_id)
(select saledate, NULL, 'TOTAL', sum(quantity), NULL, sum(quantity * price) as total
from sale group by saledate)
) as summedsales
order by saledate, product_id;
This is a model which supports many aspects,
- Supports Sites, Locations and Warehouses etc.
- Supports Categorization and Grouping
- Support Generic Product (Ex. "Table Clock" and specific product "Citizen C123 Multi Alarm Clock" )
- Also support Brand Variants (by various manufacturers)
- Has CSM (color / size / model support) Ex. Bata Sandles (Color 45 Inch Blue color)
- Product Instances with serials (such as TVs , Refrigerators etc.)
- Lot control / Batch control with serial numbers.
- Pack Size / UOM and UOM Conversion
- Manufacturer and Brands as well as Suppliers
- Also included example transaction table (Purchase order)
- There are many other transaction types such as Issues, Transfers, Adjustments etc.
Hope this would help. Please let me know if you need further information on each table.
Wajira Weerasinghe.
- id
- site_code
- Site_name
- id
- site_id
- warehouse_code
- warehouse_name
Item Category
- id
- category_code
- category_name
Item Group
- id
- group_code
- group_name
Generic Product
- id
- generic_name
- id
- product_code
- category_id
- group_id
- brand_id
- generic_id
- model_id/part_id
- product_name
- product_description
- product_price (current rate)
- has_instances(y/n)
- has_lots (y/n)
- has_attributes
- default_uom
- pack_size
- average_cost
- single_unit_product_code (for packs)
- dimension_group (pointing to dimensions)
- lot_information
- warranty_terms (general not specific)
- is_active
- deleted
product attribute type (color/size etc.)
- id
- attribute_name
- id
- product_id
- attribute_id
product attribute value (this product -> red)
- id
- product_attribute_id
- value
- id
- product_id
- instance_name (as given by manufacturer)
- serial_number
- brand_id (is this brand)
- stock_id (stock record pointing qih, location etc.)
- lot_information (lot_id)
- warranty_terms
- product attribute value id (if applicable)
product lot
- id
- lot_code/batch_code
- date_manufactured
- date_expiry
- product attribute value id (if applicable)
- id
- manufacturer_id
- brand_code
- brand_name
Brand Manufacturer
- id
- manufacturer_name
- id
- product_id
- warehouse_id, zone_id, level_id, rack_id etc.
- quantity in hand
- product attribute value id (if applicable) [we have 4 red color items etc.]
Product Price Records
- product_id
- from_date
- product_price
Purchase Order Header
- id
- supplier_id
- purchase_date
- total_amount
Purchase Order Line
- id
- po_id
- product_id
- unit_price
- quantity
- id
- supplier_code
- supplier_name
- supplier_type
- id
- uom_name
- id
- from_uom_id
- to_uom_id
- conversion_rule