Best way of using google translation by Python

Google does in fact have an official translation API with a REST interface. You can check it out here. Note that it is a paid API with no free quota.

Try using the googletrans module. For example:

from googletrans import Translator

translator = Translator()  # initalize the Translator object
translations = translator.translate(['see if this helps', 'tarun'], dest='hi')  # translate two phrases to Hindi
for translation in translations:  # print every translation

# Output:
# देखें कि इस मदद करता है
# तरुण

The dicts of the supported languages (106) and their ISO639-1 codes:

import googletrans

print(googletrans.LANGCODES)  # {language name: iso639-1 language code}
# or
print(googletrans.LANGUAGES)  # {iso639-1 language code: language name}

See the docs for more information.

I made my own google translate function for python ;) try it