Best way to configure and maintain a table with many insertions and deletions that's empy on average?

In my experience with SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Edition in a similar process where a permanent table is used as a message queue - so it has a very high rate of inserts and deletes - we found rebuilding indexes every 5 to 10 minutes to be beneficial in forcing deleted record clean up. This dramatically improved read performance on the table.

In our case, the database isolation level is read committed snapshot, and the dequeue/delete process was deleting records faster than the ghost cleanup process was clearing them out. With high ghost record counts, selecting one record would sometimes take 1-3 seconds instead 5-10 ms because SQL was having to read past all the ghost records, indicated by a high Scan Count (with set statistics io on).

To check the number of ghost records:

SELECT version_ghost_record_count, * 
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), OBJECT_ID('[transport].[BatchTable]'), NULL, NULL, 'SAMPLED')

The ghost cleanup process runs automatically on an interval (every 5 seconds for SQL Server 2012+, every 10 seconds for SQL Server 2008/2008R2) and checks to see if any pages have been marked with ghost records. If it finds any, then it goes and deletes the records that are marked for deletion, or ghosted, touching at most 10 pages with each execution.

On high-load systems with many deletes, the ghost cleanup process can cause a performance issue from keeping pages in the buffer pool and generating IO

I think the "at most 10 pages" part was our limiting factor as the high rate of deletes exceeded the amount of pages the cleanup process could touch each run.