Best way to do a PHP switch with multiple values per case?

Put those many values into an array and query the array, as the switch-case seems to hide the underlying semantics of what you're trying to achieve when a string variable is used as the condition, making it harder to read and understand, e.g.:

$current_home = null;
$current_users = null;
$current_forum = null;

$lotsOfStrings = array('', 'users.location', 'users.featured', '');

if(empty($p)) {
    $current_home = 'current';

if(in_array($p,$lotsOfStrings)) {
    $current_users = 'current';

if(0 === strcmp('forum',$p)) {
    $current_forum = 'current';

For any situation where you have an unknown string and you need to figure out which of a bunch of other strings it matches up to, the only solution which doesn't get slower as you add more items is to use an array, but have all the possible strings as keys. So your switch can be replaced with the following:

// used for $current_home = 'current';
$group1 = array(
        'home'  => True,

// used for $current_users = 'current';
$group2 = array(
        ''      => True,
        'users.location'    => True,
        'users.featured'    => True,
        ''         => True,
        'users.browse'      => True,
        ''      => True,
        'users.staff'       => True,

// used for $current_forum = 'current';
$group3 = array(
        'forum'     => True,

    $current_home = 'current';
else if(isset($group2[$p]))
    $current_users = 'current';
else if(isset($group3[$p]))
    $current_forum = 'current';
    user_error("\$p is invalid", E_USER_ERROR);

This doesn't look as clean as a switch(), but it is the only fast solution which doesn't include writing a small library of functions and classes to keep it tidy. It is still very easy to add items to the arrays.

Version 2 does not work!!

case '' || 'users.location' || ...

is exactly the same as:

case True:

and that case will be chosen for any value of $p, unless $p is the empty string.

|| Does not have any special meaning inside a case statement, you are not comparing $p to each of those strings, you are just checking to see if it's not False.