Best way to retrieve variable values from a text file?

Use ConfigParser.

Your config:

var_a: 'home'
var_b: 'car'
var_c: 15.5

Your python code:

import ConfigParser

config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"config.ini")
var_a = config.get("myvars", "var_a")
var_b = config.get("myvars", "var_b")
var_c = config.get("myvars", "var_c")

But what i'll love is to refer to the variable direclty, as i declared it in the python script..

Assuming you're happy to change your syntax slightly, just use python and import the "config" module.


var_a = 'home'
var_b = 'car'
var_c = 15.5

Then do

from myconfig import *

And you can reference them by name in your current context.

You can treat your text file as a python module and load it dynamically using imp.load_source:

import imp
imp.load_source( name, pathname[, file]) 


// mydata.txt
var1 = 'hi'
var2 = 'how are you?'
var3 = { 1:'elem1', 2:'elem2' }

// In your script file
def getVarFromFile(filename):
    import imp
    f = open(filename)
    global data
    data = imp.load_source('data', '', f)

# path to "config" file
print data.var1
print data.var2
print data.var3

Load your file with JSON or PyYAML into a dictionary the_dict (see doc for JSON or PyYAML for this step, both can store data type) and add the dictionary to your globals dictionary, e.g. using globals().update(the_dict).

If you want it in a local dictionary instead (e.g. inside a function), you can do it like this:

for (n, v) in the_dict.items():
    exec('%s=%s' % (n, repr(v)))

as long as it is safe to use exec. If not, you can use the dictionary directly.