biblatex formatting

To manipulate the output of the names you have to set sortname in the correct way.


In this case the first name beside the first author is printed as initial.

To modify this you have to define your own formatting directives via \DeclareNameFormat.

A simple example is given by the definition of last-first (see biblatex.def):


The arguments have the following meaning:

% #1 = last name
% #2 = last name (initials)
% #3 = first name
% #4 = first name (initials)
% #5 = name prefix, a.k.a. 'von part'
% #6 = name prefix (initials)
% #7 = name affix, a.k.a. 'junior part'
% #8 = name affix (initials)

In this case you can format the name lists.

If you want to handle the first author in a special way you can use the test


For example If you want to underline the first author of the list and the name list is formated as last name, first name (initials) you can do:




