Biblatex style file for New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

EDIT (31.08.2011 17:00 CET) I build a small package which allow you to use:


The package consists of the modification of this threat and the examples of NEJM.

The package is now on CTAN.

EDIT (30.08.11 09:00 CET) Now all 5 questions are implemented in the code.

terseinits=true works with biber. You need also the option firstinits=true

Now I use the bib-entry of tlw to modify the style numeric


   author = { Shapiro, A M J and Lakey, J R T and Ryan, E A and Lisa Schreiber and Jon Smith and Allan Jones and Cathy Smith},
   title = { Islet transplantation in seven patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus using a glucocorticoid-free immunosuppressive regimen},
  journal = { N Engl J Med },
  year = {2000},
  volume = {343},
  pages = {230-8}}

            minnames=3, maxnames=6,%

     \ifblank{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{#2}\isdot}}%remove \addcomma
%     \ifblank{#2#3}{}{\addcomma}%%commented

%Name-scheme in thebibliography
%cite without brackets
%no bracktes in thebibliography
%no pp
%no In by journal name:
%Order year;volume:page
%  \printtext[parens]{%
%  \usebibmacro{issue+date}%
%Journalname roman
%no number
%  \setunit*{\adddot}%
%  \printfield{number}%


enter image description here

