Bibliography in Texmaker

Your problem is that, after running pdflatex (or latex or whatever else) and bibtex (if you did it), you have to run pdflatex twice afterwards to get your document fully compiled.

In TeXMaker, if you want to be able to perform the full compilation cycle and view your finished .pdf file by just pressing F1, you can configure your 'Quick Build' command, choosing the wizard in the 'Configure TeXMaker' -> 'Quick Build' dialog, and adding, in the following sequence:





Pdf Viewer

If you want to use a different engine, substitute pdflatex with your preferred one. If the one is latex also substitute Pdf Viewer with Dvi Viewer in the above sequence.

Well, I speak Spanish and I was breaking my head over this a few moments ago (since I decided to try Texmaker), so I'll tell the basic points in the Spanish answer, which might be helpful.

  • Go to Options > Wizard (or configure Texmaker)
  • In "Commands" (the top section), uncheck the "Use a "build" subdirectory for output files" (so sad now we'll have to use a crowded folder) (actually this is the root of this issue)
  • In "Compiling" select the PdfLatex + Bib(la)tex + PdfLatex(2x) + View Pdf option for the "Quick compile command"

Basically, from now on what you'll have to do is press F1 (the quick compile shortcut), or set the compiling arrow at the upper bar to "Quick compile" (in my language it's just "Compile") and click there.

You won't need to touch the the "see pdf" arrow, since that's just for visualization.

The whole problem, actually is because Texmaker can't find the .aux file in the build subdirectory.

This was my solution share it with you I hope will be helpful

enter image description here