Bigger X11 Cursors suitable for 4k screens

One way to do it is to replace the standard font files of X that contain the cursor shapes with larger versions. For this, get the font source file cursor.bdf, enlarge it with bdfresize, and then either manually configure applications/the WM/the root window to use this font, or replace the old font files.

For details, see e.g. here.

In fvwm, you can also use CursorStyle to set up the desired font glyphs or even images. I haven't tried this, but I think this won't work with X applications that change the cursor themselves.

Although the recipe provided by dirkt does work, the resulting scaled bitmap cursors look ugly. There is a way to make X use the Type 1 cursor font instead, rescaling it appropriately.

The default X cursor font exists both as a bitmap font (file cursor.pcf.gz) and as a Type 1 font (file cursor.pfa). The recipe provided below makes the bitmap font unavailable to the system and turns the font name cursor into an alias for the appropriately rescaled Type 1 font (via the fonts.alias file).

  1. Uninstall the package that contains the file /usr/share/fonts/misc/cursor.pcf.gz (could be named cursor-misc, fonts-misc, or something similar), or simply delete this file and disable upgrades to this package, so that this bitmap font is unavailable to the X server. Run mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/misc to remove the bitmap font from the font directory.

  2. Make sure that the package that contains the file /usr/share/fonts/Type1/cursor.pfa (could be named xfree86-type1, fonts-type1, or something similar) is installed.

  3. Create the file /usr/share/fonts/Type1/fonts.alias with the following contents, adjusting 801 to the desired cursor size.

    cursor -xfree86-cursor-medium-r-normal--0-801-0-0-p-0-adobe-fontspecific
  4. Run fc-cache -r and xset fp rehash to make the Type 1 font available to the system.

Have a look at and find a cursor that has 48x48 or 64x64 pixels. Edit .Xresources

Xcursor.theme: Name
Xcursor.size: Size

extract the cursor archive to ~/.icons/.

Then run xrdb -load .Xresources but maybe a restart of X is required to complete. Depends on your WM.



